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Why do we use stability balls as chairs?


If you could improve your child’s posture and focus in class, while allowing the movement he or she needs, would you do it?  


You probably answered “yes” because these factors improve the learning environment.  With less and less physical education and recess time, it is even more important to increase movement during the school day.  


I have completed the stability ball training the WittFitt (explained below) and am ready to begin educating and preparing your child to sit on a stability ball instead of a standard chair.  Your child will learn about the history, benefits, safety, and use of the ball, as well as the importance of proper posture and classroom ergonomics.  Students will write an explanation paragraph telling why he or she should sit on a ball, the class will create expectations, and each student will take a test to demonstrate their knowledge.  Students will “earn” the opportunity to sit on a ball in class.             

 - Mrs. Horton


What kind of ball will the students be sitting on? 

The stability ball is made of a high quality plastic that is latex-free and burst resistant.  It has small peg feet to provide some stability, keep it rolling around the room, and for easy storage on a desktop or shelf.  The ball is inflated to a designated size.  Each seat is custom fitted for the student.  The custom fit is based on the student's height and placement at their desk. 


Is sitting on the ball disruptive in class? 


The simple answer is, “no.”  There are several reasons this is true.  First, teachers are trained on integrating the stability balls into the classroom, and well supported by WittFitt staff throughout the process.  Second, the students are required to follow a series of lessons for 2-3 weeks to learn about the stability balls and essentially “earn” their right to sit on a ball.  In doing so, students are engaged and empowered with a sense of ownership and a greater understanding of lifelong wellness, an awareness of their body and the importance of taking care of it.  In addition, by giving students a positive outlet to move, most previously seen behavioral issues are alleviated, thus improving the classroom environment.  Once students are sitting on the ball on a daily basis, brief move and stretch breaks will be incorporated to allow students a mental and physical break which will in turn help them to focus and learn in a more effective manner.



Are there risks involved?


Sure, like anything else, there are inherent risks.  However, the positive return is far greater than any negative result of using the ball.  Falling off the ball is one possible risk, though rare unless a student is acting inappropriately.  From our experiences, it is more hazardous to have students rocking back on a regular classroom chair.  The balls are burst-resistant, therefore if the ball would be punctured, it should slowly leak air instead of popping.  



Who is WittFitt?


WittFitt is a consulting company whose mission is to educate children and adults about the importance of proper posture, active sitting and the strengthening of muscles used in daily activities, which are achieved by sitting while at school, work, home and while exercising on a stability ball.  As a comprehensive program, WittFitt trains teachers and provide all of the necessary materials for both teachers and students.  The program is customized to fit the needs of any classroom.  



Do I have to sit on a stability chair? 


Nope.  You may choose a traditional chair if you would like.  The benefits of sitting on a stability ball as a chair are great though.  You know what works for you; choose what works.  Students who respect the privilege and meet the expectations are able to use a stability ball as a chair. 






Not a traditional chair...


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